Tack: Fashion or Function? Part 1

I just read a Facebook post today, from a very dear friend. She was given a trunk full of equipment including tie-downs, draw reins and an assortment of other “training aids.” Her dilemma was to toss it, because she trains by classical, time proven methods (IMO, a true horsewoman!), or to “not waste it” and give it away, knowing it could very well be used on young horses in training.

My answer….”I’d try working a few horses in tie downs as tight as they’ll go, with the draw reins. If you pull a horse over backwards, I expect they’ll straighten up quickly. That rollkur is the fastest short cut I know to Grand Prix, and don’t you have several horses anyway? Only the real cream will rise to the top! Remember, in training, time is money, so don’t hesitate to do whatever it takes!”           drawreins2

Well, she most certainly knows me well enough to recognize my sarcasm in an instant, but…it got me thinking….don’t we ALL know horsemen that immediately default to aids and short-cuts way too easily?  Think here the short martingales, way too tight side reins, draw reins, chambons, etc. I know you’ve seen them!

My question, for those that have the trunks full of gimmicks, is, What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish? We know that development of a horse always has to be sequential. Things MUST be done in order. Horses, like human athletes, have to build muscle strength and mental acuity BEFORE they can progress to the next level of training. This holds true for the Jumper, the Eventer, the Dressage horse, the swimmer, track star, weight lifter, or ball player!

There is a reason every major league ball team begins the year with Spring Training!! It serves as a building period, both athletically and for the team, and, it’s a series of back to basics exercises. Without a solid foundation, the building will eventually crumble!! And…typically at the worst possible time!

Your horse comes to recognize you, your horse develops expectations regarding your behavior, your horse comes to trust you, (NO…your horse does NOT love you!), and each day as you start work he is ready to go. I do believe, sometimes, horses do have off days, just like we do. The horseman recognizes that and puts his horse back in it’s box or paddock, or hacks quietly for fun and conditioning. Generally though, your horse is ready and willing to do what his rider asks. Horses do NOT start schooling intending to be a butt head, intentionally ruin your day, OR pick a fight with you!! (Please re-read this last sentence!!) They are willing to work in a productive session with the rider taking the lead. This, in turn, puts huge and total responsibility on the rider! The Rider MUST remember that if a horse is not doing what he asks, then the horse does not understand what is being asked of him, OR he is not yet physically or mentally capable of doing so!

One additional factor to consider…is your horse built for what you’re asking him to do?

Using over-tight straps to force him into the “frame” or “headset” that one may think is proper, may possibly be beyond abusive IF the horse simply cannot do it because of his build. This factor can be overlooked all too often!      drawreins 1     

This fact then, ties directly back to riders using gimmicks as short cuts. I maintain a horse will progress in his training quite regularly, with a knowledgeable rider who knows what he’s doing, can clearly transmit his wishes to his horse, and is aware of his horses’s capabilities at all times. This is the mark of a horseman!

Any thought’s?

After all…this is just one man’s opinion.

Part II to follow soon. A look at tack, including bits, 5 point breaststraps, Micklem bridles, and more. Fashion or Function?

The Professional Edge: Classically driven or Client driven?

Professional trainers and instructors are faced with a continuing dilemma. Is teaching accomplished along classical methods that have been proven over time OR does the Pro acquiesce to the client and do what they say (the goal in most cases of getting little Johnny or Janey a ribbon or the horse moving up)?

This subject came up recently in a conversation with a long-time friend last week. Let’s use the very common example of connection. ie. getting your horse on the bit, on the aids, round, in front of the leg,etc. All somewhat similar terms.  Contrast that classical (and, I believe, CORRECT) concept to what you hear SO often nowadays…. A term I hate!!… “Headset.”

Classical concepts focus on developing the horse along the lines of the German training scale. A progressive type of training where our horses respond to energy created by the aids of the rider in seat and legs, encouraging the horse to get his back legs “‘under him”’ and use the quarters of the horse to push off. This in turn, develops the longitudinal muscles on either side of the horse’s belly. As those muscles develop, the horse gains the strength to raise his back and begin “self carriage.” The position and development of the head and neck and increasing topline musculature only result from systematic training and muscle building over time.

My exceptional friend, Lauren Doyle, of ClinicHorsemanship.com has given permission to post this 5 minute podcast from her Riding Master, the late Ed Rothkranz. Please listen if you are bringing along a young horse. It is a few minutes of excellent advice!  http://www.clinichorsemanship.com/?powerpress_pinw=425-podcast   

So, let’s contrast this with the pressure professionals are getting from clients (who DO pay the bills) and who have an expectation for their horses, their kids, or themselves to achieve success (usually manifested in the show ring). You can almost hear the client say, “Wow! He looks great!! Look at that headset!” (not that you never hear those phrases from professionals, too!!)

So, to achieve that end, the pro abandons the classical principles, (hopefully he realizes the difference, too!!) and resorts to the typical short-cuts we’ve all seen, ie draw reins, chambons, tight martingales, etc. I’ve heard of trainers recommending spurs on OTTBs to get them “going forward” and, at the same time asking the rider to go to a much stronger bit, to “hold him from bolting and getting him to flex that neck.” They accomplish the result of “headset”, to what ends and at what cost to the horse?

You have another type of pro, that I consider equally as abusive, but they are far more subtle in doing it. They are the ones who yell at their students constantly, but you don’t see all the obvious gadgetry. You can, though, hear them constantly shouting in a lesson, “Push, Push, Push, Supple, Supple, SUPPLE!!’’   Those are simply code words for driving a horse into the bit, then the rider roughly see-sawing the bit in the horse’s mouth, again to force him to back away from the bit (you know…the bit he is supposed to be accepting!) by dropping his head and flexing thru his neck. Many times, in a period of relaxation after such treatment, you may observe the horse going with his mouth open (Hmmmm, wonder why?), unless of course the pro has the horse’s mouth tightly strapped shut!!

This “headset” stuff may look great to an uneducated observer, and may even result in a few ribbons in low level competition. That said, it’s a false and artificial look that a competent judge will spot immediately.

So, since we’ve looked at the 2 extreme’s, what is the teaching or training professional to do, when they know the correct (classical) way to bring a horse and rider along, yet clients and/or parents insist on “the look” and little Janey or Johnny has instant success in the show ring? Does one stick to their guns and possibly lose business or prostitute themselves AND the horses, for the sake of client satisfaction and ribbons here and there?

My personal feelings are that these latter issues can many times be addressed with direct, honest explanations and dialog. If that doesn’t work, then the pro needs to decide who he or she really is!

What are your thoughts on this?

After all, this is….Just one man’s opinion.